Sunday, April 26, 2009

EASTER Sunday!

Happy Easter Everyone! It was nice after Girls' Camp to visit the fam! Below we're all blowing conchs- at Girls' Camp we taught the YCLs how to use our conch to wake up the whole camp each morning- imagine what all three of these could do?! :D

TIME OUT for Women

My mom, Grandma and I went to Orlando for a two-day Women's Conference!
Wow! It was great! Thanks mom!

Beca's Bridal Shower

Beca's Bridal Shower

We played some way funny and embarrassing games. Here's a clip of Beca from the game where we asked her questions about her fiance, Davis. If she got them wrong she had to put gum in her mouth... she already has like 5 in there!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

DAN the Mer-Man!!

Dan was a hit at this year's Girls' Camp!

He participated in our Leader Skits and serenaded me on stage!

Take a Look!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Our Own Peppers and Tomatoes! Aren't Topsy Turvies cool?

Planting Begins!

We planted our own tomato and pepper plants to hang in our Topsy Turvys! Can you see it?

Cookies for the Camp Director!

Another Day Another Puzzle!

Dan and I finished this 1000 piece puzzle together a couple weeks ago,
hard work, but Dan loves it!

Orchid roots are the COOLEST!

This orchid's Aerail roots grow upwards and feel their way through cracks,
like the wooden openings in its hanging pot.

My First Orchid!

Beautiful isn't it?! We've been nursing this amazing plant for almost and year and it's all been worth it! They only blume once a year for about 3 months.